Ranking the Terrible JoJo Localization Names


welcome to Jojo's localization level list where we rank copyright name changes in jojo's wacky adventures due to characters named after songs and musicians had to be changed due to copyright we have a dark mane red riot Julian Magikarp uses fly and I'm here to rate these are sometimes amazing names and sometimes terrible names on a completely random scale because how else do we judge it for the sake of time not every character is going to show up because some have very minor name changes so if you see someone pop up to the materialist from time to time we i just going to say King Crimson cut them out of the video because they weren't interesting enough either I only put in a few characters from parts 6 and 7 because my friend wasn't very familiar with those and we mixed Loggins and Messina so I'm sorry ok here we go my mouse is blinking on my screen why am I being told it is valuable meaning you're doing a toast welcome to Jojo's horrible vocalizations no tears we're starting with the only guy it's pretty catchy from par 1 his name is Bruford but they translate it blue third do we judge it on how good i think it should be funny that's fine -whatever tickles us the most what makes him blue like he's blue for assignments is blue all the time so next we got Loggins and Messina their names chased changed to logs and machine waiting no sorry there we go one of the guys it's there I think walking to see a trash log isn't as good I think it beats you log is beat here well d dt r for log machine I don't know how this guy is Santana and they changed his name to sam bientôt sam bientôt he must know his chin pretty sharp but the chin looks pretty sharp I think I mean s like the name Danny DeVito like s here but Danny the VSA T they seem to get good grades I want to hear a lot of syllables for the rest this is Donovan but for some reason they changed it to Donnell bang Alright here he is captain tenneal or as anime mig ht says captain dragon

g4 dragon I filmed a young bag for my captain Devo who gave a new type of 180 and a strong wooden body and mechanism I think d rears type of bikes I was aiming for a Devo on the lower back though yes and yes new saga tiganti on Yaba I think it's solid which could be any of the bands could be the same you have to be a member what's tight in pretty good this guy's name is Steely Dan but I'm moving up And from the bottom you can call me Dan Dan from the bottom, no, I'm right Danny, I'm David, I'm starting Dave, okay let's get two and a half cents counting things at Boingo that equals just lose and add and add and stupid [ __ ] we go to the latest ft whoa set from Wilson all right my bag it's just S&M and put it right in the middle yeah I only i answered i answered above it's a boy boy and jojo's wiki menu is localized the official name is Manny shoe boy with the name Bo oh i don't think it needs a lot of songs and the other one is correct this guy's name is Kenny G but looking for the best Michael Jackson song known as Billy looking for new songs in Berberda I'm a member of us B just for a few cycles since this band debut since the latest known as Ronald Matthews for the first time describes enough worried to be carpet C it's not cycling or not good logs yeah Adam daddy's heart just daddy's heart a lot poor just they don't say a word so a lot of this is going in all this late morning we changed the carpet what about Wow bad company changed to worse is coming

off the record I killed two guys they can catch in 15 minutes you can go okay this one is pretty good it's male to male on the sub tiles it's a boy a boy a boy but as good as that not as good as blue ok Pearl Tomato jam Paul Jam pretty good I thought it would be a puzzle turn they changed the mysterious dimittam it wasn't funny but pretty good like I thought it could be low B it was worth it they did a good job with the next one we have star highway gogo highway the name of the stands is Highway Go Go I think that's a good shot And baja is this a name or someone like do we have to find a name for this F in place like you've apprenticed in all these mirrorless kayaks there's an anti globalization team the name is devo the christians like soccer what if there's something like a board meeting right and it's like a blackboard and they look like okay we have blue feathers we p u got Clifford this echo they changed it to reverb next up is uh is Killer Queen they changed it to turn off Queen just to really get it yeah I gotta show this picture you know like halfway where it's like um it's gonna be like a coin it's gonna be like jojje and Lakotas lair stats I imagined for this one just Full Metal Alchemist Full Metal Alchemist Metal Alchemist next is Aerosmith is a lil bomber which turns out to be the name of the pilot on the I I got you plane it turns out the pilot's name isn't the little bomber it's mr. Smith the little bomber was still so stupid and cute I left him in this place was his baby face and they turned him into a baby head something I called someone angrily this is a new tier contender for s tier Coco jumbo did he get changed to big Coco it's a stand name Oh the golden experience they just made golden wind which is my last name i think it's sea you know that's good yeah that's the baseline yeah the baseline right in midday green tea the right green it's better than

Donalbain no green tea is pretty good okay wait this don't baby why jumbo Stra climb big muscle pumps big Coco big Coco would be almost as good as Bluford no no now we have King Crimson and epitaph which is crimson emperor and eulogy epitaphs is a little thing in his head yeah the little face yeah oh yeah for the attitude yeah because he has to bow remember yeah oh my god the little face on his head is someone else oh yeah that's cool okay put it on record I think it's like it's okay to see the experience yeah because I like this speech is Kraftwerk and in the anime they make it arts and crafts it's small feet small feet i think it's better than jumping okay i have a proposition tiny feet to s Coco big up the guy is no good in the mirror changed to the mirror man that confuses me a lot because of Billie Jean I don't understand Oh because Michael Jackson just cut one of these songs CC for the average moody guy bl ues Moody Jazz i ain't nobody gonna top bl ue to it seems everyone i forgot the guy's name McIntosh baby hair alright Purple Haze is purple smoke make it cheery no no can't be trash [__] but still trash [__] no you're standing on here he needs retail that doesn't open his Sex Pistols they just made him six bullets i like six bullets i gave him i think ARB like six bullets gave me this is a soft machine and they made it a soft machine is what's under the kid boy man boy it's Donald bang bang oh yeah dunno but yeah that guy hired us that name these people we're just going to pick pick any character pick any character from this list Alright alright alright field book bloopers beach boys Alright have Pearl Jam in the words Alright next is the Spice Girl hot girls tell you it's good as long fingers et noon dub actor zipper guy to go zipper I just realized I should have thought of all these names in the dub version yeah that makes it so much better yeah baby head coke Grateful Dead credit is thanks ul death on top of this deeper dump on top of this but not as good as fisherman's White Album why twice our ice yeah okay so now I got some honorable mentions from chapter 6 and part 7 just because they were so limp Biskit are pancakes soggy all pancakes soggy yeah so why do you use

that edge is straight pancake you're gonna get the S Plus didn't quite flex it on top all right it's a pancake reg trying too hard I think waiter my favorite adjective my soup is blessed man think the rest is off the record I'm pretty scary monster and they made him into a monster that it's scary that's what they make it really scary and finally dirty things done cheap are dirty things done for a fair price yeah oh no you know what it's not dirty things done cheap better than the worst corporate families act with reasonable price guys that's a blessing looks like he's gone I think he's beyond tiny feet I think honey that's pretty good so ok Bluford is good enough to get his own team how dare you ask a question to which the answer this guy just takes all the tea but adds three tiers on top and one level above as and add three on top of that that's new SSS I mean I want you to specifically add two more tiers on top then okay and now rename whatever you want now put one image on top in zip five SS and put Bluford in place sleep wait wait and pancakes Platts Placid and blueford enter login sharp [ __ ] and there it is the definitive Jojo localization name list what character tiers will you put into s tier should Purple Haze be moved from new or stay dumped forever let me know in the comments that this project took a very long time to make but I think this is one of my best videos and I hope you enjoy it if you want to support what I do. on this channel please consider checking out my patreon the link is in the description thanks for watching and see you soon


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