The Top Ten CRUELLEST PlayStation Trophies _ Achievements


hello my chicks and welcome to my ranking of the meanest playstation trophies in gaming before we begin. I want to outline my criteria for this list. I've looked at a lot of trophy rankings and I'm getting really tired of seeing copies of the same game pasted between them all crypt of the necrodancer wolfenstein super meat boy devil may cry 5. they're all notoriously difficult and rare trophies yes but they're common offenders in I've never been played this but I've copied it from someone else's list so here's a very general overview from someone who has absolutely no personal interest in it. I really hated it so I decided to just pick games I knew from my own experience either from trying and failing to get them or from friends I had asked about their craziest trophies basically I wanted to know enough so I didn't have to consult a list rating the games and scrolling through the 14 ad pages between each entry so if you're wondering why this is so different not from your own cruelest trophies list it's probably because you're not me so what i'm trying to say is you probably looked at my rating and thought it and my opinion is stupid and it may be true but at least do me a favor and let me know your rating in the comments down below something to work on when i'm holding back tears because of rude comments youtube and while you do maybe like the video and subscribe to my channel here at my youtube makes all kinds of game content be it ul asan ratings or other general so it would be great if you joined as well head over to my twitch channel and watch me sweat this live most nights at 7pm UK time without further ado let's dive in with our first entry and just to give know you there are no specific story spoilers for any of the games on this list so if you see something you haven't played you may see a few scenes or hear some locations discussed but nothing specific will spoil your experience. famous seventh

installment in the main resident crime series but if i'm not completely bald in the 23rd installment overall it's also a huge departure from the usual format of resident evil who yo-yo wildly and often irresponsibly between survival horror and action and just kind of committed for a bit as a first intimate mainline first person survival horror in the series for a typical game roughly six hours i would say roughly because it depends entirely on whether you actually freeze from fright for hours on end at times as often i did have to walk away and leave the game paused while i calmed down and begged my brother to come and do his bit for me the first one walked a silent shadow through the homestead terrified creeping past the jack baker roaming my god who screamed i did when he broke through walls all over ru mah boat up and including tiptoe absolutely heart pounding through greenhouse to screeching marguerite skinny entrance then it frantically scrambled back to find ammo and cover while the crusty beaver followed me like a hermit crab backwards even played past it a few times to normal speed running and madhouse mode i would still be sweating my pants nervously around every corner was just really high on adrenaline just knowing that a jump scare was coming would often make it worse for me. I haven't felt so scared in a long time. the wads and salt mines essentially serve as race tracks for you to race across, but the game kept up the atmosphere nicely and I felt like I was jumping out of my skin every four seconds to the point where my back muscles tensed. caused me physical pain which is why when i pulled into that gate the first time and got out of the car not 30 seconds into the game and the first trophy he was alive showed up just to travel to louisiana it cemented resident evil 7 as one percent on my roster for all time i felt my stomach fall out of my butt the meanest noggin i have ever had

installment in the main resident crime series but if i'm not completely bald in the 23rd installment overall it's also a huge departure from the usual format of resident evil who yo-yo wildly and often irresponsibly between survival horror and action and just kind of committed for a bit as a first intimate mainline first person survival horror in the series for a typical game roughly six hours i would say roughly because it depends entirely on whether you actually freeze from fright for hours on end at times as often i did have to walk away and leave the game paused while i calmed down and begged my brother to come and do his bit for me the first one walked a silent shadow through the homestead terrified creeping past the jack baker roaming my god who screamed i did when he broke through walls all over ru mah boat up and including tiptoe absolutely heart pounding through greenhouse to screeching marguerite skinny entrance then it frantically scrambled back to find ammo and cover while the crusty beaver followed me like a hermit crab backwards even played past it a few times to normal speed running and madhouse mode i would still be sweating my pants nervously around every corner was just really high on adrenaline just knowing that a jump scare was coming would often make it worse for me. I haven't felt so scared in a long time. the wads and salt mines essentially serve as race tracks for you to race across, but the game kept up the atmosphere nicely and I felt like I was jumping out of my skin every four seconds to the point where my back muscles tensed. caused me physical pain which is why when i pulled into that gate the first time and got out of the car not 30 seconds into the game and the first trophy he was alive showed up just to travel to louisiana it cemented resident evil 7 as one percent on my roster for all time i felt my stomach fall out of my butt the meanest noggin i have ever had

look because it's long term whether you like it or not rejected might tempt you with a platinum trophy very achievable and understandable so very easy super cool two games one low chaos no kills which might take a bit longer and one high chaos kill count which not necessary which you can get through in a few hours both are very doable with or without a guide even when going back to tidying up trophies etc. i found the game quite tiring mentally i think maintaining focus on stealth constantly with no rest is a lot to ask from a player but a single game will never exceed 10 hours so this is hardly the same issue I had with 20 hours of toil the alien isolation overall it's ok combat used a bit clunky and 30fps doesn't help matters but this is a game pretty good with an interesting story and some really interesting mechanics then we got three dlc blades of dunwall and brigmore witches which is a two story dlc that's a ded a number of chapters nobody really asked for but whatever and dunwall trials where i ended up laid my patience to rest buried beside my dead pride maybe around cuphead release self trials not too complicated there is a kill challenge free run challenge fighting challenges and one challenge in particular stood out to me back alley fights 13 wave based survival mode featuring all different enemies from a bunch of factions in the game check out this challenge offers a chance to get one trophy titled by my own hands to kill all combatants personally what's the catch they all aggro with each other five enemies maybe spawn one round 20 minutes to run two of them maybe m spawn next to each other that might kill the other in one hit that's it run you cancel they are on the opposite side of the map from you they spawn and die in two seconds no way you know nothing you can do we go again and again and again the next round spawns tall guys who will crush every enemy on the map from a distance and are notoriously hard to kill themselves with.

is my run ender because there was never a need to learn how to handle them in the main game i couldn't beat them fast now spawn vendors run from you then drop within seconds between certain rounds they have to be killed also hangman spawn and will probably see you out of the mortal coil itself. This is a trophy that requires obscene skill and then an absolute truck of luck to say 30 70 is a ratio would be an understatement because it implies the game is only asking one hundred percent of you it's rng to nine requires perfect frame skills crazy quick thinking and allotment of resources watch out oh and it's bronze gods knows how many trophy lists stuck at 99 for this so all i'm saying is i'll never be able to do this released in 2015 need for speed trying to get back to playstation 2 roots by giving a game with driving at its core captures the nostalgia of many players myself including the first take on the franchise back in the pre-playstation days plus i even have a copy of the need for speed underground on the gamecube if you believe that one thing it's missing however is the difficulty of the early console classics that i remember dungeons in particular are hard as nails and hair these- ripping frustration doesn't seem to translate into the 2015 reboot it took me less than 15 hours to earn a platinum trophy humbly request that players finish the game once and then maybe do a cleanup it's rated 2 out of 10 for difficulty and immediately fell into obscurity trophy hunting or more it seems less than a year after the game's initial release ghost dropped mother lode need for speed prestige need for speed prestige is a free update that adds three new bronze trophies master of speed basic bronze and layered bronze this gold three devils adds 41 trials all with bronze, silver and gold medals to acquire takes an incredible 100 hours of effort on a very precise 9 of 10 difficulty it's a huge disaster m

that shakes the foundations well basically nothing i mean it's not a big deal but a handful of players are really uncomfortable knowing they have to go back and tidy up some doomsday difficulty trophies see even for those who are familiar with racing games this is a slap in the face for noobs racing game that grabbed the original title for a fun little experience in easy platinum trophies. ​​This is something more because it's always been a concern as a playstation trophy hunter that you buy and 100 games release only to risk being bitten by the ass a few months later when the ragnarok difficulty dlc is dropped onto your plate steaming hot and buzzing with flies still i hope the devs laugh on the psnp forums when it crashes there's always some gold nuggets waiting down there in the anorak mine as far as your brand dies trophies go this is nothing new i know for a fact that it's a staple of the dark souls 2 experience and probably f eats at a lot of other games but i feel like crash is the best example of this cruel little trophy because from a distance you wouldn't know how cruel this game can be, especially when against 100+ people see crash bandicoot as child's play because of its cute graphics and colorful aesthetic and to a degree they'd be right like yeah crash is a game that can be in play and be enjoyed by children but always have a skill limit that only adults can reach maybe because they are higher remade in 2017 for playstation 4 xbox one and nintendo switch trilogy crash crazy completely cuts down on the brutal brutality of the original installments and polishes gameplay a bit but practice trial and error style keeps gameplay perfect remains a challenging staple frustrating and even silly but rewarding wacky slapstick humor best exemplified in this trophy give me a reference to the red venus flytrap plant that will eat you say which plant featured in the first level of the game and is likely to be the cause of your first death in viewing the title

crash get chewed to pieces by one such plan as the trophy pops within your first minute of the game is a laughably deflating feeling and an unforgettable one for anyone who picked up the game assuming it would be a nice walk in the park and for me having just finished the spyro trilogy you can bet i had that assumption it's a hilariously rude awakening and one that is proven immediately wrong it's almost like a badge of honor to say that the first thing you did upon stepping into this title arguably a children's title at that was eat and die well done you question if you had 14 free hours how would you spend them if you had 8 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period you'd only theoretically have 16 hours to play with meaning that whatever you spent those 14 hours doing is basically a full day lost i mean no one but the depressed ever has a full eight hours of sleep but hear me out now what would you do if six hours into those 14 hours you lost all your progress and had to start again would you go for a 20-hour day or would you put it down and never come back to it what if it was lost 10 hours in this is the precarious tightrope of nerves you might be walking if you ever attempted the seven-day survivor trophy undead rising requiring you to survive the survival free roam mode for 10 full in-game days one in-game day being two hours real time so 14 hours total not only that but your health will constantly be ticking down meaning you need a steady supply of food and spoiler alert but there's less food available than there is health needed for 14 days so you'll need to go out into the big scary world and scrounge it from other survivors and psychopaths many of which like adam the clown with his twin chainsaws can stone knock you into a swift death wiping your run off the planet in eight minutes flat it has to be done entirely in one sitting too no saves and reloads so if the game crashes then you have to start all the way from the beginning and why might that be such a concern you ask well released originally for the xbox 360 back in 2006 dead rising was eventually ported to the playstation 4 in 2016. the problem with dead rising ports as 

a lot of fans of this series will know they are dogs when dead goes up to on and off the record goes well on the playstation 3 like they crash sometimes you can barely manage two clocks in each playstation port without crashing especially on the off the record ones travels and crashes by itself every chance it has now on playstation 4 dead port escalating requiring 14 hours of focus and uninterrupted engagement imagine the game collapsing on itself like a house of cards at the 10 hour mark there are even brilliant rumors unconfirmed just unconfirmed fact that no anyone willing to play seven hours of this game just to check if it's right to walk into the food court after day three causes a game crash meaning that the largest food source in survival mode is permanently unavailable to you for less than half your challenges there is a method to create it's easier like opening ku nci blaster, but ultimately this will come down to careful planning. ng resource management and health and lots of luck can even get a little boring when you're just sitting in the same place for two hours at a time watching your health drop and the occasional donut you can always leave it for a rainy day to be fair like if there's a period in where we're all stuck at home inside for a long time like if we have to work from home for whatever reason or if we're restricted from seeing other people socially maybe someday for number six on our list we're moving on to trophies that really- true brute supreme killer requires a devout trophy hunter to reach mastery level 40 in fearless, free cross platform game very popular on fortnite dregs and anyone who knows what all the different monster colors mean naturally because i don't fit any of that demographic, I love it.

dauntless doesn't really have enough content to ask you this colossal task or at least at the time of writing it doesn't have enough content to ask them. I know they are always adding to this game. which i enjoy and it plays like a stripped down monster hunter world and similar to mindless monster hunter offers you a very rare trophy if you do good reach mastery level 40. see rank and valor not gained by gaining xp or completing quests they are earned by ticking squares on individual monsters and weapon sheets each checkbox you tick adds up the total number of ticked squares needed to get to level 40 to something over 600 so to level up most efficiently you should try and craft as many sets of weapons and armor as possible different types and level them up by killing as many different types of enemies as you can which often means you plant different types of monsters and map them out. often had to keep written lists of monsters I needed to kill and weapons I needed to craft but they were so obscure they looked like a pharmacy receipt to the untrained eye despite all that planning it would still take around 40 hours to advance from level 1 to level 30 and maybe another 40 hours to drag yourself up the last 10 levels to level 40 so a good 80 hours total and while the game doesn't run out of stuff for you to do there's always gear to farm and miscellaneous trophies to earn but in the early days before they added all the fun stuff it only took 40 hours to get a level you can at least be sure it's fun now if not still a bit painful slap on an armor set slap on a gun go to the opponent elemental map farm until you running out of heels and patience back to crafting again i made a spreadsheet for that huh ng that looks a bit like adhd sneezing here it is i can break it down for you but i know you don't really care that next limbo is often a familiar sight to most gamers at least those who have been around for over 15 years to those who haven't this is a game about trial and error it's a side-scrolling puzzle based game I feel someone's practice in physics changes the actual game however it seems to play that way

not that it's a problem it just has the feel of an early xbox era tech demo like something a bunch of super-sophisticated students might put together for a big combined final project you're driving limbo as a little kid not so quietly in limbo wandering through a scary world beyond a chewed tomb by minor cuts and chased by spiders this is a game about dealing with new situations trying to overcome it dying learning from that death and trying again there is little reward beyond your own sense of accomplishment each puzzle completed just leads to another puzzle the harder ones and can feel like a pathetic slog the first time through every inch ahead you step is another death waiting to happen but you learn by the time you finish your first game you will die hundreds of times likely for the two square puzzle that terrible it's right in the middle past all tanta hotels with the annoying gravity at the end or the machine guns or the bear traps or the electric d rails thing you call thousands of collective virtual deaths has been a direct result of that this game however asks you to finish with five deaths or less and it's complicated even with the move- sure steps you can watch the walkthrough video and see what you need to do but it requires an understanding of the physics of the game your own body weight and whatever speed momentum you use bait or balance timing traps and jumps and enemies to finish honestly it's a fun trophy and a perfect pinnacle of everything the game teaches you a lot worth the effort and great rewards for getting hard despite the aftermath i tried this for an hour per day and it still took me more than a week i'm sure there are some guys the absolute rain man out there who b managed to get it easy but for me its a crazy trophy which easily multiplies my playing time in this game. I'm sure this is a trophy you've heard of considering what a full man became an e hug phenomenon during covert lockdown but for the sake of explanation, the perfect trophy requires you to win five episodes in a row. Another 40 odd plasticine chicken needs

to navigate the various mini-games to win the tournament either as part of a team or solo each tournament has five random rounds of play with only one winner declared at the end of four people combining individual play with team play meaning you don't just have to by sheer luck of scrapping draw wins alone but you also need to pray for your teammates and be lucky enough to qualify for the next round sometimes team play will just erase your streak and there is nothing you can do to prevent that. the scale is going in the wrong direction although how well you play as an individual puts you back to square one, there are lots of mini-games available some of them are great and some of them are really stupid and no skills are maddening absolute luck, this trophy will still is out of your reach there's even a point where the dev accidentally patched this way it could be upgraded on private server and ers trophy hunt really threw themselves at the possibility however i'm pretty sure they patched that patch in about 24 hours so anyone who managed to get good for you now the hype for this game cooled down with a smaller and more dedicated player base you're constantly showing up not only against the absolute sweat that lives and breathes this title, but also hackers who have bypassed the game's seemingly weak security and just fly to the finish line or stay keb al against any attack all i can say is good luck fallout 4 was released back in 2015 to some very mixed reviews i mean i said mix like theres a variety people seem to either love it or hate it personally i find it a bit dry but actually i never get enough fits fallout series so i don't know the road to damascus what kind of i expect there regardless of your opinion on nuka world main game dlc to be honest it's pretty good i mean it has good potential it's an interesting concept it's fresh and pretty new dlc h very strong early ads but then smoothed out very quickly to a disneyland style zone each with their own gimmick and story some of it was quite hit and miss but most of it featured some really interesting map ideas and mechanics handled by a more capable company nuka world dlc can have bee

something really memorable one of the aforementioned mechanic was the nucca arcade a much less cool concept some bethesda sadist probably slipped into the design mock-ups while everyone was sleeping found in the central hub of nuka world the arcade featured a good handful of games to play for which you could win tickets i.e points and earn some fabulous prizes a hundred thousand tickets though no no no no no no no no you see this new dlc bought with it a very insidious little trophy list beyond all the story trophies all the nuka-cola cooking all the scav magazines all the raider work eyes on the prize sat and waited with a banana-sized smoke you see each nuga world arcade game offers a measly portion of tickets per success like absolute scraps and you needed a hundred thousand the ski ball hole could climb out of its bearings and suck me off and it still wouldn't be so fun that i'd spend that much time on it and considering all the other available arcade games stopped being fun and about things f the time it took to load them this was a cheeky ask of fallout 4. luckily keen fallout trophy hunters devised a way to earn these tickets the easy way not a quick way but an easy way by buying the spray and pray rifle from some in bunker hill which fires a huge blast of spread out bullets in one shot you can play the duck shooting game and just occasionally tap r2 whilst presumably catching up with friends watching a nice documentary or pulling your toenails out one by one because you may as well with the time it still takes even with this method and the worst part of it the prizes are kind of like randy pitchford's usb split gate might be something you remember being very relevant at one point in time before just randomly and very conveniently dipping out of the public's immediate memory abandoned by general discourse something everyone's heard of but no one really knows the full truth of and the cruelest trophy on that list was called so it begins which players required to complete not win but simply finish one single match why well i'll explain split gate was a free-to-play game that absolutely exploded in popularity on release back in 2021 i think epic games even offered to buy it at one point and were rejected only for the game to rapidly collapse and die about a week later it was a cool

concept basically doom or quake-style fps combat with a set arsenal except players can plant portals around through which they can teleport during matches except it had only a handful of game modes maps and very little wiggle room in the meta beyond straight get better it's easy to get sunk into a multiplayer game and drop hundreds of hours over the course of a few months but split gate was different split gate was boring with no new updates very limited opportunities for any actual fun and the same few game modes that played the same every time the initial excitement tanked consequently the casual player base fled to pastures anew leaving a dilute puddle of sweats behind to dominate people who moved solely with teleports headshotting new players into frustration from across the map introducing a skill ceiling so high that it seems insurmountable and puts off new players even more but you ask why does this mean that so it begins is such a cruel trophy because the fourth trophy in this list 1047 requires you to win 1047 matches not complete but win even if you have a 50 success streak with games lasting roughly 10 minutes apiece you are looking at hundreds of hours of grind alongside some of the sweatiest tryhards in gaming on the same maps in the same game modes no casual player base no events no updates no upgrades no variety no unlocks just hours and hours and hours of boring repetitive grind you might then say well don't pick up the game in the first place then and you would be valid except for one thing and yes this does get worse split gate released on the playstation in early access on july 27 2021 and due to being early access the trophy list did not go live until several days or weeks later meaning that any optimistic trophy hunter who bagged this game early to give it a few runs through would have earned so it begins long before they even knew that 1047 existed even on psn profiles a website specifically for trophy hunters so it begins sits at 91 percent achieved and 1047 sits at 0.05 and yeah i would give this one a miss if i were you and there's my list of the 10 cruelest trophies in gaming in my experience at 

least trophy hunting was something i leapt onto as soon as i grabbed myself a playstation 3. i love going for all the trophies in a game tackling every challenge speed runs collectibles secret bosses and hard modes but sometimes they can get a little bit nasty i' m sure naturally you disagree with many of my choices and well i mean that's your problem but since you're here you may as well tell me what your own top pick for the cruelest trophy in gaming might be and why down in the comments if you enjoyed my list please subscribe to me here on youtube twitch is my main platform so feel free to follow me over there if you'd like to see me sweat these trophies live but i try to put out youtube content as often as i can and i really appreciate the support thank you so much for watching everybody and i will see you in the next video


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